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We're Here to Help

Get in touch with us if you have questions, or if you’d like to set up an appointment!


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When you reach out to us, here is what you can expect.

  1. Initial call/email – You will talk with our office manager to provide your child’s information and the reasons why you are reaching out. They will schedule a complimentary phone intake with our clinical intake team.
  2. Phone Intake – Our clinical intake team will take the time to get to know your child’s situation in more depth. They will offer their insights as to what could be contributing to your child’s difficulties, and they will provide recommendations on the best course of action. This could include scheduling therapy, an evaluation, or executive functioning coaching and/or referring you to other providers for different types of services.


Psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations are comprehensive processes, given the complexity of child and adolescent development. At Wolff Child Psychology, we know the only way to fully understand a child or teen is to gather a broad and in-depth range of information from multiple sources, including direct testing with your child or teen, as well as interviewing and collecting data from parents, teachers, and other professionals in your child’s life. Diagnostically, we specialize in:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluations
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) evaluations
  • Dyslexia evaluations
  • Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia evaluations
  • Gifted and twice-exceptional evaluations
  • Social-emotional evaluations, including assessment of anxiety, depression, and behavior
  • Comprehensive evaluations assessing multiple, interacting diagnostic areas

If you schedule an evaluation for your child, you will know the exact dates of testing, who your evaluator is, and the evaluation fee.

Testing typically occurs over one school-length day or two half-days. Full-day evaluations include an extended break for lunch. For children 6 years and older, we do not expect parents to stay onsite (though you are welcome to), as the in-person testing sessions focus exclusively on your child. If your child is under 6 years of age, please do plan to stay onsite. Your child and the psychologist will work collaboratively throughout the evaluation sessions to complete a range of formal and informal tests, while building in time for adequate breaks and rapport-building.

After your child’s testing sessions, we take about 2-3 weeks to gather information from multiple sources, including in-depth interviews with you, your child’s teacher(s), and other professionals (e.g., tutors, occupational and speech/language therapists, pediatricians, etc.). We also request you and your child’s teacher complete clinical questionnaires online.

Once we have collected all of our data, we will meet with you (typically without your child) to review the results, including any diagnoses we ruled in or out, notable strengths or weaknesses across developmental areas, and our educational and treatment recommendations.

Within 2-3 weeks of the feedback session, we will create a comprehensive written report detailing all of the relevant background information, data collected during the evaluation, our diagnostic and clinical conclusions, and our educational and treatment recommendations.

Given how critical it is for a child’s educational plan to fit their needs, we include our active participation in a follow-up school meeting as part of the evaluation. Meetings can range in format, including IEP/504 Plan eligibility and development, private school accommodation planning, and/or informational sessions with your child’s educational team. Our goal is to support the school in understanding your child’s psychoeducational strengths and challenges, and to contribute toward the development of an effective educational plan.

If we recommend specific types of treatment and intervention, we will provide referrals for those services (and happily connect with the new providers about your child’s case). If appropriate, we may offer options for follow-up psychotherapy and coaching services at Wolff Child Psychology.

Comprehensive Evaluation: $3900-$4900 (depends on type and level of assessment needed)
IQ Testing (WPPSI-IV, WISC-V, or WAIS-IV) or Basic Academic Achievement Testing (WJ-IV or WIAT-IV): $600
IQ and Basic Academic Achievement Testing: $1200

Note: Fees listed here are typical estimates. The actual fee, which would be set when you schedule your appointment, could vary depending on the specific details of your case.

Payments and Payment Plan Options
Wolff Child Psychology accepts cash, checks, and credit cards. For evaluations, clients can pay the full fee by the initial appointment or in four monthly installments. At this time, we do not submit claims to most commercial health insurance companies directly, but can easily provide invoices and receipts for services. Often, clients can then be reimbursed by their insurance companies. Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts are accepted.

We do accept Kaiser, Carelon, and Medicaid for certain types of evaluations and therapy services. 

therapist for teens

Therapy, Executive Functioning Coaching & Consultation

At Wolff Child Psychology, we provide high-quality, evidence-based intervention services tailored to meet the unique needs of your child and family. Therapy and coaching services begin with an initial parent-only session (either in-person or by phone/Zoom). During this session, parents can meet the provider, ask questions, and discuss their hopes and goals for their child. The provider will take the time to get to know the parents, consider the child’s needs and initial treatment goals, and make sure parents are fully informed about their professional training and areas of expertise. The provider and parents will then together create a plan of action, including establishing initial treatment goals, the frequency of sessions, and the format of sessions, which can include individual therapy with the child, parent coaching, and/or family therapy. 

If your child comes in for sessions, the provider will make sure, first and foremost, to focus on your child’s comfort, by connecting with them on their interests, providing them opportunities to share their perspectives and goals, and being open to answering all of their questions. That said, our therapists and coaches will be working with you and your child on making meaningful changes to improve their quality of life, and, as we all know, change can be uncomfortable. As such, we will always be transparent about our efforts, seek to work collaboratively with you on the pacing and focus of treatment, and be open and responsive to your feedback. Above and beyond any specific treatment plans and clinical approaches, establishing a collaborative and trusting relationship with you and your child is foundational to quality and meaningful care.

Fees and Payment Options

  • Therapy services are $215/session.
  • Coaching services are $200/session.

Wolff Child Psychology accepts cash, checks, and credit cards. At this time, we do not submit claims to most commercial health insurance companies directly, but can easily provide invoices and receipts for services. Often, clients can then be reimbursed by their insurance companies. Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Savings Accounts are accepted.

We do accept Kaiser, Carelon, and Medicaid for certain types of evaluations and therapy services.

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